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On February 20 and 21, 2020, a significant event took place in Constanta as part of the Inter-lab project in which Romanian companies and research ...
Ad aggiudicarsi la tappa di Bari di AgriAcademy, la manifestazione ideata e sviluppata da Ismea in collanborazione con il Mipaaft, è B-Land, un progetto originariamente messo a punto da Nadia Savino, ...
Rendere l’economia europea più efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse, sostenibile, competitiva e fondata su una prospettiva circolare. E’ l’obiettivo del consorzio “European bioeconomy university”, nato da ...
Agritech e 13 e 14 febbraio 2019: due giorni in cui si terrà presso il quartiere fieristico di Pordenone, NovelFarm, la mostra-convegno internazionale completamente dedicata all’innovazione nell’agritech. Sarà un’opportunità ...
Supportare la nascita di nuove iniziative e sviluppare quelle esistenti sugli open data con un core focus sull’opportunità di accedere e riusare i dati relativi ad agricoltura e alimentazione; esortare ...

Company profile

Laboratoria has in time acquired figures that are essential to its own development and its own management, creating actual growth relationships with their collaborators and employees, in addition to relationships with prestigious universities researching the field.

Nowadays employees share along with the company management and the company owners the mutual bet to develop a different company – a useful support for all those agroindustrial sector firms that pursue a production in line with the basic Quality concept; firms that identify their own efforts with a continuous product improvement in view of an ever growing satisfaction of their customers.

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Since its birth Laboratoria’s aim has been the achievement of such a level of knowledge that would be useful in the improvement of processing and

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The need to operate in a market in constant volution forces companies not to rest on the market positions they have conquered but on the contrary

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Laboratoria offers its clients a team of specialists in different fields of food industry, who provide their expertise and collaborate on the start and

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The company cooperates with prestigious academic personalities while its specialized technicians collaborates with university

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