


The need to operate in a market in constant evolution forces companies not to rest on the market positions they have conquered but on the contrary to try and keep on improving the services or the products they offer.

Laboratoria works on programs of research and development of new food products in all the departments of the agroindustrial sector. The processing and packaging innovation, through the adoption of technical protocols to be transferred to customers, allows the company to improve the quality of its product, thus resulting in the standardization of the product itself, in the increase of its hygienic and/or nutritional and/or organoleptic quality, and in the increase of its shelf-life.

Laboratoria is involved in the design and implementation of research projects for which it collaborates with academic and research institutes. The main research projects involving Laboratoria include:


Improvement of oil production and recovery of waste water (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The aim of the project was the valorisation of extra virgin olive oil in relation to the hygienic, nutritional and sensorial qualities, in order to realize modern typical productions. Furthermore, the project wanted to develop a technological process for the recovery of production by-products that have always been considered a burden for the company.


Characterization, development and production of extra virgin olive oil and enhancement of the recovery of manufacturing by-products (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The project activities were aimed at improving the competitive quality in traditional agro-industrial productions of the Mediterranean area, such as that of extra-virgin olive oil, for an increase in added value, and for the recovery and enhancement of waste materials from the industrial processing.


Valorization of by-products of oil production (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The research was aimed at the development of processes for the recovery and reuse of waste oil production industry.


GRAPE&HEALTH WINE-Intelligent system of Global actions to improve Health benefits of italian Wine - (Ref. Industria call 2015 - PII MADE IN ITALY). The aim of the project was to intervene at all stages of the enological supply chain to improve the nutritional content and the positive effects of wine on human health.


Integrated Lemon Project (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Campania Region 2007-2013). The project aimed to improve the production of lemons by applying beneficial micro-organisms. The project intervention also aimed to encourage the recovery of by-products of the limoncello industry, with consequent enhancement of the same.


Bioactive peptides from the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis commonly called Spirulina (Ref. POR FESR Campania Region 2014-2020-Research and Innovation). The aim of the project (in progress) is to obtain a crude protein mixture of bioactive peptides from Spirulina.

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